Configuring Personnel Control

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile


Brivo Personnel Control is a feature of Brivo Access that suspends user access each day automatically until the user goes through a screening check-point.


  • A device (reader) will need to be designated as a checkpoint device to utilize Personnel Control
  • To configure or enable the Personnel Control feature, the following Administrator permissions are required:
    • View account settings
    • Update account settings
  • It is not recommended to use a Brivo Door Station as a checkpoint

Steps to Configuring Personnel Control

  1. Navigate to Settings and select Account in the General section.
  2. On the Account Settings page, scroll down to the Personnel Control section or click the Personnel Control tab on the left.
  3. Click Enabled to enable Personnel Control and then click OK to confirm your choice. If previously Enabled you can click Disabled to disable Personnel Control.
  4. Configure your checkpoint device (Checkpoint devices are devices used to reinstate credential users at a designated checkpoint) by clicking the Add Checkpoint Devices button, choose the device(s) (Reader) that will act as the checkpoint device by clicking the Add button.
  5. Next choose Excluded Groups (Excluded groups are groups of users whom will not be suspended) by clicking the Add Group button. To exclude, choose the group(s) to exclude by clicking the Add button.
  1. Click Save Changes on the bottom right of the page.

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