How to Manage Door Locks in Brivo Smart Home

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

How to Manage a Yale Door Lock

To set a Master Code, enter:
  1. Gear
  2. 1
  3. Gear
  4. New Master Code
  5. Gear
  6. Press any key to initiate the handing process of the lock

To Add a Lock, enter (Gateway should be in Add mode)
  1. Master Code
  2. Gear
  3. 7
  4. Gear
  5. 1
  6. Gear

To Remove a Lock, enter (Gateway should be in Remove mode)
  1. Master Code
  2. Gear
  3. 7
  4. Gear
  5. 3
  6. Gear

How to Factory Reset a Yale Door Lock

NOTE: When the lock is reset to factory defaults, all user codes (including the master code) are deleted.

  1. Remove the battery cover and the 2 outside batteries
  2. Remove the interior side of the lock to access the reset button
    1. Unscrew the 3 screws that attach the lock face to the plate
    2. Pull the interior portion of the lock away from the plate
  3. Locate the White reset button (see image)
  1. While pressing the reset button (for a minimum of 5 seconds), reinstall the batteries.
  2. Release the reset button after all of the batteries have been installed
  3. Replace the lock on the door and add screws
  4. Replace the battery cover

How to Manage a Kwikset Door Lock

To Add a Lock (Gateway should be in Add mode)
  1. Press the ‘A’ button

To Remove a Lock (Gateway should be in Remove mode)
  1. Press the ‘A’ button

How to Factory Reset a Kwikset Door Lock
  1. Remove the cover and battery pack
  2. Press and hold the center ‘Program’ button
  3. Add the battery pack while still holding the program button
  4. Wait for confirmation beep
  5. Release the program button
  6. Press and release program button quickly
  7. Lock will undergo the handing process

How to Manage an Alfred (DB2) Door Lock

Ensure that the door lock is unlocked before proceeding.

To set a Master Code enter:
  1. * x2
  2. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
  3. #
  4. 1
  5. New Master Code + #
  6. (Repeat) New Master Code + #
  7. *

To Add a Lock (Gateway should be in Add mode)
  1. * x2
  2. Master Code + #
  3. 8
  4. 1
  5. * x2

To Remove a Lock (Gateway should be in Remove mode)
  1. * x2
  2. Master Code + #
  3. 8
  4. 2
  5. * x2

Set the lock to silent mode

If it is not on silent mode, the door lock will audibly say ‘door locked’ ‘door unlocked’ etc.

  1. * x2
  2. Master Code + #
  3. 5
  4. 6
  5. * x2

How to Factory Reset an Alfred (DB2) Door Lock
  1. Remove the battery cover and keep the lock unlocked
  2. Locate the reset button
  3. Using a paperclip, press and hold the reset button
  4. While holding the reset button, remove one of the batteries
  5. Wait 5 seconds and replace the battery while still holding the reset button
  6. The lock will audibly let you know that the lock has been reset
  7. Release the reset button

How did we do?

Pairing an Outlet Module

Troubleshooting False Lock Jam Alerts
