Device Filters for Devices and Valid Access Notifications

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Device Filters for Devices and Valid Access Notifications


Certain notification triggers (Valid Access, Device Engage, and Device Disengaged) will now have the ability to filter by device and do not have to receive notifications for all door or devices associated with a site.


Administrator permissions - view and create notifications


  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration and then Notifications. The Notifications page displays.
  3. At the top right of the page, click the Create New Notification button.
  4. Choose the Site with which that this notification will be associated. Click Next.
  5. Click the Add Notification Trigger button to add one or more notification trigger. The selected notification triggers will now appear in the list.
  6. For each trigger added, click Add Filter next to the name. The Select Filters modal will appear.
  7. On the Select Filters modal, click on Devices. n and assign the desired devices.
  1. Assign your desire devices by clicking on the Assign button. If the device list is long, devices can also be found by searching by name.
  1. Once a device is selected, you will see it appear in the Assigned category. To return to the Notifications page, close the modal by clicking on the X in the corner.
  1. Once you have selected all your desired triggers and filters, complete the rest of the notification.
  2. Add recipients.
  3. Name your notification.
  4. Choose the language of the notification recipient will receive.
  5. Choose a schedule when this notification will be active.
  6. Once done, save the notification by clicking on the Create Notification button at the bottom of the page.

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Creating a Monitored Device Notification
