Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release Notes

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release Notes

Brivo Smart Home Release Notes 1.7.24

October 17, 2024

This release includes the following updates:

- Improvement to sensor logic. WatchDog timer is reset from Wake-up, Battery Report, and Multi-level sensors

-Sync End is variable. Shrinking the time Sync window can leave a code on the lock before the new expected sync time which now handles this edge case

Brivo Smart Home Release Notes

October 4, 2024

This release includes the following updates:

-Improved logic for marking sensors offline

-Water Sensor correctly sends Wakeup Message

-Changed watchdog to 48 hrs, devices should report every 6 hours

-Door Sensors now report Wakeup Message as well

-Code scheduler algorithm updated

-Several code scheduler edge cases addressed

- is shown as pending_add but CS only shows the new code and the old code remains on the lock because the delete attempt was unsuccessful.

-Code scheduler now processes expired hanging codes

Brivo Smart Home Release Notes 1.7.23

August 26, 2024

This release includes the following updates:

-Fixed an issue where OZW versions of the Gateway were not upgrading to the latest firmware

-Gateway Tools can send Z-wave commands to a lock to retrieve the code at a specific index on a lock

-We reduced the frequency of messages sent from the Gateway to the Brivo Smart Home Portal

-Fixed Code Scheduler race condition that allows a code to show “Done” when lock is offline

Brivo Smart Home Release Notes 1.7.22

August 2, 2024

This release includes the following updates:

-Support for Leviton 800 series ZW6HD Dimmer

-Gateway no longer sends user code report to the Portal as it is no longer processed cutting down on data usage

-Sleeping devices that go offline are now correctly marked offline

-Gateways on older operating system versions (Jessie) now correctly failover

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release

July 10, 2024

This release includes the following updates:

-Removed the Amazon Certificate of Authority (CA).

-Removed the pre-DNS query IP binding for Brivo Smart Home.

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release 1.7.21

June 3, 2024

This release includes the following improvements:

-Aeotec water and door sensors will no longer have false tamper alarms.

-Customer support now has the capability to set the gateway time.

-All 250 codes on Yale locks can now be erased with a single command from the Portal.

-Gateway now sends a firmware upgrade attempt success or failure message to the Portal.

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release 1.7.20

April 22, 2024

This release fixes a problem where the cell connection was using much more data than previous builds. This caused some gateways to be taken offline due to exceeding the limits set by our cell service providers.

-We changed the failover mechanism to check cell connectivity at a lower rate. Ethernet and WiFi connection failover checking remains at the higher rate (30 seconds) so that most failover scenarios are still just as fast as before.

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release 1.7.19

April 19, 2024

This release includes the following improvements:

-Yale lock timing has been improved for better code synchronization.

-A condition was corrected where the watchdog did not restart gateways that lost communication.

-The upgrade process was improved to support alternate alpha and beta versions, enabling First Time Connect features.

-Cell radio connections can become stale if the gateway is connected for a long time. Now we restart the cell radio if the connection has become stale and stops communications with the portal.

-When upgrading to an alpha or beta image, the proxy configuration was changed to point to the QA server. The proxy change has been removed.

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release 1.7.18

March 15, 2024

This firmware release adds support for AWS IoT as the MQTT broker, and includes improvements communication with the portal.

-Update_destination command allows admins to change the broker.

-Adds new topics so that portal can have more subscribe options.

-Improves failover startup process.

-Code scheduler logging is reduced.

-Reduced logging for failover.

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release 1.7.14

October 30, 2023

-Improves code scheduler startup and reduces the likelihood of code scheduler generating error 106.

-Improves the upgrade process by removing unnecessary packages associated with the old version of sound meter.

-Corrects a problem related to getting the current time on Jessie systems. This would cause upgrades to fail in some cases.

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release 1.7.13

October 4, 2023

-Yale master code will not be erased when more than 250 user codes are added.

-Code scheduler race condition during push has been resolved.

-Code scheduler database can now be reset from the portal.

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release 1.7.10

August 30, 2023

-Patch release to resolve a Kwikset lock-up bug and to improve code scheduler error handling.

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release

March 22, 2023

-Patch release to address a corner case where set lock codes are not parsed correctly by the code scheduler on the gateway if a start and end date is set for a scheduled access.

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release 1.7.1

March 8, 2023

-Enable NTP time syncing

-Decrease time it takes to switch NTP servers from 30 minutes to 5 minutes.

-Fix for scenario where IPv4 fails to acquire an IP address

-Aeotec Water Sensor fix

-Code scheduler enhancements

Brivo Smart Home Firmware Release 1.7.0

February 2023

-MQTT Keep Alive feature ensures that the connection between the MQTT client and MQTT broker is still open and both the parties of aware of the connection status. Keep alive time from 1 to 5 seconds.

-Cell modems are interchangeable allowing SIM cards to be seamlessly swapped.

-Code scheduler will start automatically after an upgrade.

-The amount of time it takes for code scheduler to run after initial install is being decreased.

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Brivo Smart Home Product Release Notes
