Running an In/Out Report

Running an In/Out Report

Note: In/Out Reports enable you to identify which users have gained credentialed access to a site (In), and who in that group then used a credential to leave the site (Out). For the purpose of this report, a user cannot be Out on any given day unless he or she was first In. In other words, if a user has not accessed a site on the day the report is generated, he or she will not be listed as Out; rather, that user’s name will not appear on the report at all.

Note: Your account must be configured for In/Out doors, otherwise this report is not available.

  1. On the left navigation bar, expand Reports and select In/Out Reports.
  2. Click the site for which you want to run the report.
  3. Click Run Report. The report displays in a popup window. Use your browser’s print capabilities to generate a hardcopy of the report.

Note: Events are purged 12 hours after they occur, not at a specific time each day.

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