Brivo Door Station FAQ

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Brivo Door Station (BDS) FAQ

  1. How is the Brivo Door Station wired?

The BDS requires 2 cables. 1 Cat6 cable and 1 OSDP reader cable. The Cat6 needs to connect to a POE switch that has internet access. The reader cable goes back to an OSDP port on a Brivo panel. On the BDS locate the cables labeled RS485 and ground. RXD+/D0 is orange/white and RXD-/D1 is green/white. Both grounds should be used.

On the ACS6000-MBE, ensure the dip switches are set to the proper settings. SW10/11 should be up in the RS485 position. On the ACS6000-MBE and ACS300, the reader port needs to be set to half duplex and the RS485 EOL (blue switch) should be disabled.

  1. What panels work with the Brivo Door Station?

The BDS is supported on the ACS300, ACS6000-MBE, ACS6100-DB, ACS100, and SDC. All panels should be on at least firmware version 6.2.5.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Intercom functionality is not available when using a BDS with an ACS100 controller.

  1. How do I program the Brivo Door Station?

Program the Brivo Door Station in the system the same way as a normal reader and leave the Bluetooth ID(BLEID) field blank. Confirm the node is set to OSDP (Address 0 is the default). Connect the Brivo Door Station to the reader node. The Brivo Door Station should auto populate the BLEID field. The BLEID can be manually entered as well. Type in the S/N located on the back of the unit. Do not enter the DU7 in the S/N. The final entered number should be 10 digits long.

  1. How do I access the Brivo Door Station unit via WebUI?

Unlike Brivo control panels, there is no separate admin port or IP address. You will need the device’s IP address. The MAC address is located on the back of the unit. ARP commands or access to the network’s router should provide the IP address. When typing in the IP in the address bar of a browser make sure to use https:// . The default login is administrator with password bds5cli. Additionally if only one Brivo Door Station is connected to the network, you can access it via

  1. How do I update the Brivo Door Station firmware?

Firmware can be updated from the WebUI if you have the firmware file. Brivo Technical Support can also push firmware updates to the unit. Support will require the CP# of the panel the Brivo Door Station is wired to.

  1. How does the Brivo Door Station communicate (what ports need to be open)?

Please refer to the Ports and IP Addresses by Product Category article for details.

  1. What URLs will the Brivo Door Station communicate with?

Please refer to the Ports and IP Addresses by Product Category article for details.

  1. How do I setup faceprint credentials?

The first step is the primary administrator has to login and navigate to Configuration > Account Settings, scroll down to Facial Authentication and enable it.

Once enabled, navigate to the user’s page. Upload a photo of the user and enter an email address for them. The system will provide feedback if the photo is suitable for Faceprint (passport style pictures are the best). Scroll down to credentials and assign a Faceprint. The user will get an email asking them to consent to using their face as a credential. Once the user consents via the link in the email they can start using their faceprint credential.

  1. How do I setup the intercom?

Follow this link: How to setup Intercom on a Brivo Door Station

  1. Can I change the volume of the intercom on the Brivo Door Station?

This is not possible at this time, but is being considered as a feature in the future.

  1. Does the Brivo Door Station read cards/fobs?

The Brivo Door Station will only work with the Brivo BUC cards and fobs. The Brivo Door Station only reads 13.56MHz, not 125kHz (Prox). The Brivo Door Station supports BMP in the BLE mode only. Brivo Wallet is not supported. 3rd party high frequency cards/fobs (and earlier, non-BUC Brivo Smart Credential) might work via swipe to enroll but would need to be tested.

  1. Does Brivo Door Station support 2FA with Facial Authentication?

Yes, it supports 2FA with facial authentication.

  1. How do I use Brivo Door Station if I have Prox cards or Brivo Wallet Pass?

To use other credentials such as Prox, non-BUC or Wallet will require installation of a secondary reader in addition to the Brivo Door Station Reader. Brivo panels can be configured for two reader operations. Use either the OSDP or Wiegand secondary reader input on the control panel.

Secondary reader configuration options:


Wiring for a secondary Wiegand reader will require an additional Wiegand cable along with the OSDP cable used for the Brivo Door Station reader back to the control panel.


Brivo Single Door Controller or ACS300 - Wiring for a secondary OSDP reader can use the existing OSDP cabling for the Brivo Single Door Controller and ACS300 control panels.

ACS100 - The ACS100 can also be used as the primary reader with the Brivo Door Station acting as the secondary reader, using local OSDP wiring between the two.

ACS6100 - For the ACS6100 panel, a second OSDP cable will be required to an available door node on either the main ACS6000 control panel or an ACS6100 door board.

NOTE: ACS6000 door boards do not support OSDP functionality.

  1. Can Brivo Door Station be used only as a video intercom without Facial Authentication?

Yes, there is no requirement to create Faceprint credentials (or any other credential). If no Faceprint credentials are created, then the reader will work with BUC and BLE credentials and as an Intercom.The facial detection of the Brivo Door Station cannot be turned off.

  1. Can I move a Brivo Door Station from one Brivo panel to another after installation?

Yes, however make sure that once the Brivo Door Station is physically disconnected from the current panel the BLEID is erased from the programming for that door prior to connecting the Brivo Door Station to a new panel. Delete the Door or delete the BLEID from the door. 

  1. Does it matter what order the factors are presented?

No, users can present their face, card, or BMP in any order.

  1. Does a customer have to select which factors must be used?

No, a user can present any two valid credentials to satisfy the 2FA requirement.

  1. What do I do if the customer is reporting that Brivo Door Station unlocks without requiring the second factor?
    1. Confirm that the customer has the latest firmware for all control panels and Brivo Door Station units.
    2. Confirm that the 2FA schedule is valid and active.
  2. What do I do if the customer is reporting that Brivo Door Station times out before second factor can be presented?

Confirm that the two-factor Interval value is high enough. Brivo recommended a value equal to or greater than ten seconds.

  1. Can I use the Brivo Door Station outdoors?

The Brivo Door Station holds an IP65 rating. If using the facial authentication feature, use in indoor well-lit environments, not in direct sunlight. If using the

intercom functionality, the Brivo Door Station can be used outdoors.

  1. Does the Brivo Door Station record on failed access events?

Yes. Failed access events create a video clip when used with a card. If someone's face is not registered, there will not be a failed access event.

How did we do?

How to use Talkdown with the Brivo Door Station

Brivo Door Station Release Notes
