Brivo Mercury Solutions - Plug and Play Provisioning - MP Series

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile


Brivo Mercury Solutions - Plug and Play Provisioning - MP Series


Brivo OEM Mercury controllers are available, pre-configured to self-provision with Brivo. Note that this only applies to MP series controllers that are purchased from Brivo. If controllers were not purchased through Brivo or are existing, you will need to follow the takeover/ provisioning process using MOCA or the manual Provisioning steps in this guide.

Before you Begin

Before you attempt to connect your MP series controller to Brivo Mercury Solutions, you will need to verify that the Legacy Mode switch is on. This is off by default so the boards are ready for future releases where legacy mode will not be required. Legacy mode can be verified by looking at switch 4 or by looking in the Webcli for the controller. If legacy mode is on, it should look like this:

Getting Started

The only thing that you will need to do in order to get your controller online is configure the network and your local panel administrator login. Follow the panel startup and network configuration steps in the guide. It is recommended that panels are either on a reserved static address or use DHCP. DHCP will ensure that minor changes in the customer’s network configuration does not .

Brivo Mercury OEM

Brivo Mercury OEM panels are panels that are ordered through Brivo. These panels are the only ones that can be expected to have the configuration set. Also, these panels will already be whitelisted for Brivo Mercury Services. 

MP Series panels that are in legacy mode will show up in Brivo Access as an LP Series. This will not cause any issues. This can also be changed later once the MP Series is supported in Native Mode

Note that if any step fails during the network process, you may need to default the panel and re-provision. Therefore, it is a good idea to be familiar with the steps needed for Factory Default and Provisioning of panels. 

If any of the steps above do not result in a successful connection, please contact Brivo Technical Support for assistance. 


Once the panel is connected to Brivo Mercury Services, and a door is associated with the panel, you should see a connection status in the Brivo Access Device Manager and a Last Contact. If you are not seeing this, Retrace the steps to bring the panel online. Also verify that the network has an outbound connection to TCP Port 3001.  




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