How to Manage Elevators in Brivo Access

Alicia Allen Updated by Alicia Allen


An elevator is linked to a set of sites that are connected to the floors that the elevator services. While an elevator may be shared by multiple accounts, the floors they service typically are not. For more information see How to Manage Floors.

Elevators must have a reader installed in each car; however, for each elevator you can set where this reader is wired to the control panel.

Steps to Add an Elevator to a Control Panel

  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Control Panels
  4. Click the control panel to which you wish to add an elevator. The Control Panel detail page displays.
  5. Click More Operations and select Add Elevator. The New Elevator page displays.

NOTE: In order to add an elevator to a control panel, there must be an existing site and an available card reader with which to associate the elevator. Otherwise, you will receive an error message when you access the Add Elevator page.

  1. In the Elevator Name field, enter a short, descriptive name for the elevator, such as “Main Lobby.”
  2. On the Reader dropdown list, click a card reader with which to associate the elevator. All available readers are listed.
  3. In the Pulse Time field, enter the number of seconds (1-600) you want a floor selection to remain available after a card is flashed at or passed through the reader. The default is 10.
  4. In the Sites field, identify the site(s) at which this elevator operates. By default, no sites are selected. To select a site:
  5. In the left-hand box, click the site you wish to associate with the elevator.
  6. Click Add a site. The site name now appears in the right-hand box.
  7. Repeat for each site you wish to associate with the elevator.
  8. On the Two Factor Schedule dropdown list, click the schedule during which you want this elevator to require two credentials. During the selected time period, users with privileges at this elevator will need to scan a security card and enter a PIN to gain access.
  9. In the Two Factor Interval field, enter the amount of time (3-60 seconds) the user will have to present both credentials. If the user takes more than the allotted time, access will be denied.
  10. On the Card Required Schedule dropdown list, click the schedule during which you want the elevator to require a card credential. During the selected time period, users with privileges at this elevator will need to scan a security card in order to gain access.
  11. Click Save Elevator. The Elevator detail page displays.

Steps to Edit an Elevator

  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Control Panels
  4. Click the control panel for which you wish to edit an elevator. The Control Panel detail page displays.
  5. Click the elevator you wish to edit. The Elevator detail page displays.
  6. Click Edit Elevator. The Edit Elevator page displays.
  7. All the fields on this page can be edited. See the preceding section on adding elevators for more information.
  8. Click Save Elevator. You are returned to the Elevator detail page with the new information displayed.

Steps to Delete an Elevator

  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Control Panels
  4. Click the control panel for which you wish to delete an elevator. The Control Panel detail page displays.
  5. If your Administrator permissions allow you to delete elevators, you will see a trashcan icon associated with each elevator listed on this page. Click the icon for the elevator you wish to delete.
  6. Click OK in the confirmation prompt. You are returned to the Control Panel detail page, and the deleted elevator is no longer listed.

How to View Floors

How to Manage Floors

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How to Manage Floors in Brivo Access

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