Configuring Sites

JC Updated by JC

Configuring Sites

  1. On the left navigation bar, navigate to the Occupancy Management tab and select Configured Sites from the dropdown.
  1. Once you are on the Configured Sites page, you will see all sites, whether they have been configured or not, the maximum occupancy limit, and the option to configure a site or to view an already configured site.
  2. To configure a site for the first time, click on the Configure link in the row of your chosen site. The Configuration page will display.
  3. You may set a Occupancy Limit. This limit is used for tracking and notification purposes only. Users will still be granted entry when limit is reached.
  1. You may set the Timeout. This is the amount of time (in hours) after a user enters a site that they will be counted as being on site.
  1. When complete, click the Save Occupancy Tracking button in the lower right corner. You are returned to the Configured Sites list and your site is now listed as Active in green.
  2. Viewing an existing configured site allows you to see Users on site, showing the credential holder name and when they last accessed the site.
  3. You may also delete occupancy tracking on a configured site by clicking on the Delete Occupancy Tracking button on the left. You are returned to the Configured Sites list and the site is now listed as Not Configured.

For a walkthrough of this feature, please watch the video below.

How did we do?

Using the Occupancy Dashboard
