Issuing a PIN in the Brivo Access Mobile App

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Issuing a PIN in the Brivo Access Mobile App

Brivo Access administrators have the option to assign a PIN code to a user through the Brivo Access Mobile app.

  1. Navigate to Users.
  2. Locate the User you want to give a PIN.
  3. Tap the Plus icon in the PIN section.
  4. Enter in the desired PIN then tap the Set PIN button.
  5. If a time range needs to be set on this PIN, tap the 3 dots in the PIN section.
  6. Tap the switch for Set Time Range.
  7. Select an Effective From and Effective To date and time.
  8. To change the PIN, it must first be deleted then recreated.

How did we do?

Assign a user to a group in the Brivo Access Mobile App
