What is the PIN to unlock the screen on a Honeywell T6 Pro Thermostat?

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

What is the PIN to unlock the screen on a Honeywell T6 Pro Thermostat?

If you do not know the PIN to unlock the thermostat, you can do the following:

  1. Remove the thermostat from the wall.
  2. Turn it over so you are looking at the side with the batteries. 
  3. There is a 4 digit number printed on the right hand side.
  4. Take that number and add 1234 to it.
  5. This is your thermostat’s PIN.
    1. Example: The printed number is 2225.
    2. Add 2225 + 1234 = 3459 is your thermostat’s PIN.

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How do I unlock the screen on a Honeywell T6 Pro Thermostat?

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