How to create a Floor Plan in Brivo Access

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile


A Floor Plan is a visual representation of a site that includes the layout of floors and the placement of devices such as doors, cameras, and panels.


To use this feature, you must have the Enhanced Access feature pack, which is included in Professional, Enterprise, and Multifamily Portfolio editions or can be purchased separately through your reseller.

Admin permissions:

  • Site assignments
  • View Floor Plans

Steps to Creating a Floor Plan

  1. Under Sites, navigate to Site Settings page.
  2. Select your site from the list or by typing the name in the search field. Click View.

  1. In the Floor Plans section, click the Add Floor Plan button.

  1. Upload a floor plan file. The supported file types are .JPG and .PNG.
  2. Name your floor plan.

  1. To add or remove devices, click on the plus icon to display. Devices (Doors, Cameras, and Panels) will automatically import from the Brivo Access account and will be available.
  2. You may add a Device by clicking the plus icon.
  3. You may remove a Device by clicking the trash icon.
  1. When complete, click on the Create button to finish or the Discard button to stop the process.

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Floor Plan Usability
