Hardware Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Hardware Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Q: Does Brivo hardware have UV Ray protection?
    A: Yes, the plastic enclosure material was selected with outdoor use in mind.
  2. Q: Is there a way to get data from a panel that has been removed from an account?
    A: The data is not actually on the panel. Whatever data orignally on the panel would have been pushed to the cloud. If the panel was online when it got removed from the account, the server will tell it to wipe its data. If the panel was offline when removed, the information would still be on the panel, but there's no way to export it. The raw data on the panel doesn’t mean anything until it’s sent to the cloud to be displayed.
  3. Q: Are Brivo dual-tech readers compatible with Brivo tri-tech readers?
    A: Yes, both reader types can work together.
  4. Q: it is possible to configure an ACS6000 or an ACS300 to use IPv6?
    A: At this time, it is not possible to configure any Brivo control panel to use IPv6.
  5. Q: How long does it take for credentials to be downloaded to the controller/panel?
    A: It should start within a few seconds of a change that impacts the panel, and be active in a minute or so, depending on how many credentials are associated with the panel, and the panels internet connection speed.

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