Adding Cards - Bulk Upload

Richard Crowder Updated by Richard Crowder

Bulk Uploading Cards in Brivo Access

There are two methods for adding cards - bulk uploading or swipe to enroll. This article will show how to upload credentials in bulk.

Bulk Uploading Cards in Brivo Access

  1. Head over to the Credentials tab and select Cards.
  1. Click on the Add Cards button.
  2. Selecting the Card Format from the dropdown menu
  3. Enter in the First Card Number of the batch.
    1. For only one card, enter the number in the Last Card Number field.
    2. For multiple credentials, enter the last number in the field.
  1. Additional fields like Facility Code or Vendor Code may appear. These should be filled in as needed.
  2. Click the Add Cards button to complete the process.

How-To Video

How did we do?

What is Optional Card Offset?

Managing Unknown Cards
