Configuring a Brivo Door Station

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Configuring a Brivo Door Station

Steps to configure a Brivo Door Station

  1. Go to (US) or (EU).
  2. Enter your credentials and click Sign In.
  3. Click Customers on the left navigation bar.
  4. Search for the customer you wish to remotely access.
  5. In the Remote Login section, click on Account Config to remotely log into the customer's account.
  6. From the Setup dropdown menu, choose the Sites/Doors tab then click the Sites tab. The Site List displays.
  7. Click the site to which you want to add a door. The View Site page displays.
  8. Click More Operations and select Add Door. The Add Door page displays.
  9. Enter a brief, descriptive name in the Door Name field.
  10. Select a Control Panel from the dropdown list and click Next.
  11. Select the Board then Node. The Define Door page displays.
  12. Click a Door Board/Node combination from the Board and Node dropdown list. Only valid, available combinations are listed.


  • Verify that the address and baud rate of the Brivo Door Station are configured properly for the panel type you are using. The OSDP Device Address and Baud Rate should match the expected door/panel settings.
  • For ACS6000 and ACS300 panels only, the Reader Interface options are Wiegand and OSDP. The default setting is Wiegand, but needs to be changed to OSDP.
  • For ACS6100 hardware, contact Brivo Technical Support (1-866-274-8648) to enable automatically updating of door board firmware.
  • For ACS100 and ACS-SDC panels only, the Reader Interface is set to OSDP and cannot be changed.
  • For ACS100 and ACS-SDC panels, you do not need to select the OSDP Device Address from the dropdown list.
  1. Configure the remaining door settings as needed.
  2. When finished, click Save Door.

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