Brivo - Entrata Integration - Initial Setup in Your Entrata PMS

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile


The Brivo - Entrata integration allows property managers and administrators to easily connect the two platforms, while ensuring their residents are provided with  secure access credentials for building and unit entry points.

With the Brivo - Entrata integration, after resident data is added to Entrata, Brivo pulls in base building and unit access information  based on the timelines identified and captured from Entrata.

Once the Entrata data is present in the Brivo platform, property managers and administrators can grant access privileges based on lease information such as move-in and move-out dates (and times predetermined when setting up the account. Default times are 10am start time and 4pm end time). Brivo simultaneously recognizes these start and end times and creates a “window”  where the resident will be granted access. If no end date exists, as in the case of a new tenant with an indefinite lease, the access is considered perpetual until canceled. 

When a move out date has lapsed in Entrata, the access will be removed in Brivo and the resident will no longer have access to the unit. 

In the Brivo - Entrata integration , Entrata serves as the single source of truth. A record in Brivo will only be removed if it is removed in Entrata, and Brivo will only reflect any edits that are made in Entrata. This ensures that there is only a single source record to edit and maintain.

  1. Log into your Entrata Property Management Software.
  2. Navigate to Apps>API Access.
  3. Click Add API User.
  4. Search for Brivo in the search bar.
  5. Click Enable Access next to Brivo.
  6. Select the properties Brivo needs access to, then click Save and Continue.
  7. Section the following web services: [getStatus, etc.], then click Save and Continue.
    1. getStatus
    2. getProperties
    3. getPropertyUnits
    4. getLeases
    5. getMoveout
    6. getRenewal
  8. Go to the credentials tab and click Copy Credentials. This will copy the API username and password. Provide it along with the following to your Brivo point of contact. 
    1. Domain
    2. Property ID 
  9. The Base URL should be the URL of your Entrata database.

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How to enable an Entrata integration
