Applying a Door Override

JC Updated by JC


A door override is a method of temporarily overriding a door lock state from within the Access Devices page. There are three types of overrides that can be applied.

  • Indefinitely - choose to keep your door locked or unlocked indefinitely.
  • Until a Certain Time - choose to keep your door locked or unlocked until a certain time later in the day.
  • Until Next Schedule Change - choose to lock your door until the next change. A schedule must be applied to the door first before using this function.

No matter which type of override is applied, a Credential User will be able to access a locked door as long as they have the proper access permissions.

What does an Admin need to do this?

The following Administrator permissions are required to set an override:

  • View Devices
  • Set Override

The following panel requirements must be met to set an override on an associated door:

  • Panel type - ACS300, ACS6000
  • Minimum panel firmware -

Steps to Setting a Door Override

  1. Navigate to the Devices page.
  2. Click on the door that you would like to set an override on.
  3. Click on the Set Override button in the schedule section of the pop up.
  4. Choose wether you want the door to be unlocked or locked during the override
  5. Choose the type of override you wish to apply.
  6. Click Save.
  7. The pop up will display the override that has been set.
  8. To remove the override, click on the Remove button.

How did we do?

Applying a Schedule to an Elevators & Floors

Applying a Schedule to a Door
