How to Manage Floors in Brivo Access

Alicia Allen Updated by Alicia Allen


floor is any floor accessed via an elevator which requires a valid credential for entry. When an elevator is linked to a site, it automatically becomes available to be linked to the floors defined for that site.

Steps to Add a Floor to a Site

  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Sites
  4. Click the site for which you want to manage floors. The View Site page displays.
  5. Click Add Floor. The Add Floor page displays if you have one or more elevators associated with the current site.
  6. Enter a brief, descriptive name in the Floor Name field, such as “Lobby.” The floor name does not need to include a reference to the site where the floor is located, because the site name is automatically appended to the description you enter in this field.
  7. Click an output terminal from each elevator dropdown list. (A dropdown list appears for each elevator defined for the account. The field names are the names of the elevators by which the floor can be accessed.) In this way, the floor becomes associated with one or more elevators.
  8. In the Unlock Schedule field, click a schedule during which the floor will remain unlocked and no credential will be required to access it from the elevator.
  9. Click Save. The Floor detail page displays.

Steps to Edit a Floor

  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Sites
  4. Click the site for which you want to edit a floor. The View Site page displays.
  5. Click the floor you want to edit. The View Floor page displays.
  6. Click Edit Floor. The Edit Floor page displays.
  7. All the fields on this page can be edited. See the preceding section on adding floors for more information.
  8. Click Save. You are returned to the Floor detail page with the new information displayed.

Steps to Delete a Floor

  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Sites
  4. Click the site for which you wish to delete a floor. The View Site page displays.
  5. If your Administrator permissions allow you to delete floors, a trashcan icon is associated with each floor on this page. Click the trashcan for the floor you want to delete.
  6. Click OK in the confirmation prompt. You are returned to the View Site page, and the deleted floor is no longer listed.

How to Manage Elevators

How to View Floors

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How to View a Device in Brivo Access

How to Manage Elevators in Brivo Access
