Initiating an Emergency Scenario

JC Updated by JC

Initiating an Emergency Scenario

  1. Near the bottom of the left navigation bar, click on the Emergency Scenario button.
  1. The Activate Emergency Scenario pop-up window appears. Select your desired Emergency Scenario from the Select Scenario dropdown list.
  2. Click Activate.

  1. A large red banner will appear on every screen in Brivo Access notifying the administrator that an Emergency Scenario is active.
  1. To end an Emergency Scenario, click the Emergency Scenario button and click Go To Scenarios in the pop-up window.
  2. The Emergency Scenarios page displays. You may deactivate individual emergency scenarios by clicking on Deactivate and the Emergency Scenario will end. Alternately, you can click on the Clear All Emergency Scenarios button ending all active emergency scenarios.

How did we do?

Creating an Emergency Scenario

Clearing an Emergency Scenario
