Administrator Roles

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

What are Roles and How to Create a Custom Role


An administrator role is a permission template that every administrator must have. There are three versions of administrator roles available.

Administrator Role Templates

The following Role templates are available in every Brivo Access account:

  • Administrator - This is a default role that cannot be edited. This role is slightly restricted and meant for administrators who perform limited actions.
    • For example, site administrators who need to provision users, groups and credentials for their specific site.
  • Super Administrator - This is a default role that cannot be edited. This role provides full access within an account.
  • Custom - Build your own.

How to Create a Custom Role

  1. Head over to the Administrators tab, and click on the Roles tab.
  1. Click on the Create Role button.
  2. Name it, describe it, and choose the permissions you wish to apply.
  1. Click on the Create Role button at the bottom of the page to complete the process.

How to Video

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Applying Assignments to an Administrator
