Creating a Group

Creating a Group


A group is a set of users with the same access privileges to doors on one or more sites within an account. A group has a descriptive name, such as “Washington Staff.” Groups are listed in alphabetical order in the Group List.

Steps to Create a Group

  1. On the left navigation bar, navigate to the Groups tab under the Users menu.
  1. Click on the Create New Group button on the right side of the page.
  2. Enter the group name and check if you want the group to have keypad unlock-hold privileges, be immune to anti-passback, and/or to be excluded from lockdown. Click Create Group when you’re done. You are sent to the Device Privileges page.
  1. To see doors and devices, click on the All Devices tab. All devices will appear. You can filter the list down by choosing a specific site from the dropdown list. It will show you the Site name, the Device names, and Schedules for each device.
  1. Choose the group’s access level by assigning available schedules to some or all of the doors/devices listed.
  1. Once done, click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page to complete the process.

How to Create a User

How-to Video

How did we do?

Viewing User Recent Activity

Issuing a Physical Credential
