Provisioning HID Mobile Pass

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Provisioning HID Mobile Pass

Product Overview

Brivo simplifies third party digital credentials with this Integration. Brivo Access becomes the central platform for Administrators to easily integrate and provision HID Mobile Credentials to all end-users.


Make sure the Brivo Access/HID Origo Integration has already been setup.

Steps to Get Started

  1. Log in to Brivo Access.
  2. Under the Users tab, go to Users and then select a User to assign an HID Mobile Pass.
  3. Under the Credentials section of the user profile, click Assign Credential.
  1. Select Mobile Pass and HID Mobile Pass.
  1. A Brivo Mobile Pass and HID Mobile Pass will be assigned to the user.
  2. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

How did we do?

HID Origo Activation in Marketplace
