Creating an Emergency Scenario

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Creating an Emergency Scenario

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Standard edition of Brivo Access allows for emergency scenarios to use only panel based hardwired triggers. Professional, Multi-Family, and Enterprise editions editions also allow for global lockdown/egress meaning a single button can lockdown or unlock doors across the whole account.


  1. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration and then click on Emergency Scenarios.
  2. Click the Create Scenario button.
  3. Enter the Scenario Name.
  4. Select the Type of emergency scenario from the dropdown list, Egress or Lockdown.
  5. Select the Triggers from the dropdown list. The Assign Trigger page will display. Choose your device from the list and click the corresponding Assign button.
  1. (Optional) If creating a Lockdown scenario, you may check the Make default scenario checkbox. Egress scenarios cannot be made default.
  1. Select the Doors affected by this emergency scenario. The Assign Door page will display. Choose your doors from the list and click the corresponding Assign button. You may also choose specific sites by using the Select Sites dropdown and sort doors in that way. You may also simply choose the Assign All button.
  1. Click Save to finalize all changes.

How did we do?

Getting Started with Emergency Scenarios

Initiating an Emergency Scenario
