Adding Cards - Swipe to Enroll

JC Updated by JC


To add cards to a Brivo Access account there are two methods. Swipe to enroll (which you will find below) and bulk uploading.


To add credentials to an account, the following Administrator permissions are required:

  • View Credentials
  • View Unknown Cards
  • Add Credentials

Steps to Add Cards via Swipe to Enroll

Swipe to Enroll a Card in Brivo Access as an Unknown Format
  1. For the swipe to enroll method, present a compatible card to any card online reader.
  2. Navigate to the unknown card scans page found under the Users->Credentials menu.
  1. Click on the view button to open the enrollment screen.
  1. Choose the desired format you wish to save this card into the account with using the card format dropdown.
  1. Enter a unique ID in the Card External ID field and choose whether this card will be used with offline locks.
  1. Click save changes, this card is now ready to be assigned to a User.

Swipe to Enroll a Card in Brivo Access as a Known Format
  1. Brivo Access will automatically calculate potential formats which show the format name, facility code and internal number of the card allowing you to enter the card using a known format.
  2. To enter the card into the bank using this method, simply click on the add as Standard 26 Bit (or whichever supported format is detected) instead of the add as unknown format button.
  1. Enter a unique ID in the Card External ID field and choose whether this card will be used with offline locks.
  2. Click save changes, this card is now ready to be assigned to a User.

How-To Video

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Assigning a License Plate Credential to a User

Issuing a Brivo Mobile Pass or Wallet Pass in Brivo Access
