Using Device Status in Brivo Access

JC Updated by JC


The device page in Brivo Access displays devices associated with all sites on the account. This includes doors, cameras, controllers, Alula alarm panels and elevators.


The following administrator permissions allow an administrator to view or perform certain actions:

  • View Devices - to view the Device Page
  • Set Intrusion - to arm and disarm Alula alarm panels
  • Set Schedule - to apply schedules on doors
  • Unlock Doors - to momentarily unlock doors
  • Override Doors - to apply schedule overrides to doors

Site assignments are also required.

Using the Devices Page

  1. Head over to the Devices tab.
  1. All of the sites and associated devices you are authorized to see will display.
  2. The following devices along with their current status will be listed under their site
    1.  Doors
    2. Panels
    3. Cameras
    4. Elevators
    5. Alula Intrusion Panels
    6. Devices - Monitored and Switch
  1. Site, Device type, and Device Status are available filters for this page.
  1. The following statuses are provided on the page
    1. Doors - Locked or Unlocked
    2. Cameras, Controllers, and Elevators - Online or Offline.
  2. Clicking on a Door will provide you with the ability to momentarily unlock the door or apply a schedule.
  1. Door connected to the following controllers will provide the ability to enable/disable a schedule override.
    1. ACS6000/6100
    2. ACS300
    3. ACS100
    4. ACS-SDC
  1. Click on a Camera icon to display both live video and the ability to remotely unlock an associated door.
  1. Click on the Elevator card to apply a schedule on the cab (2-factor and/or Card required schedules) or any floor associated with it (unlock schedules).

How-to Video

How did we do?

Setting the Arming Mode of an Alula Panel in Brivo Access
