Running an Existing Report Configuration

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Running an Existing Report Configuration

  1. On the left navigation bar, navigate to the Reports tab and select Report Configuration.
  2. Once you are on the Report Configuration page, you will see a list of current reports broken out by Report NameReport DefinitionRun NowSchedule, and Delete.
  3. To run an existing report configuration, select the report you want to run and choose to either Run Now or run the report on a Schedule by clicking on the option you want.
  4. If you click on Run Now, you are taken to the Create Report Job page.
    1. Select the report Output Format.  Formats available are CSV, HTML, PDF, and ZIP.
    2. Under Select Report Recipients, the name of the current administrator will automatically appear. If additional recipients are wanted, click on the Add Recipient link. A list of administrators will appear. Click on whichever administrator you want, and that administrator will disappear from the list and appear in the Select Reports Recipient box. When a report is generated, it takes into account the administrator’s permission. When finished, click on the Close Window link and you are returned to the Create Report Job page.
    3. The Email Report dropdown menu defaults to none, but also allows the Report Recipients to be notified via email (the email listed in the admin profile) that the report has been run or to be notified and to have a copy of the report included as an attachment to the email.
    4. Choose the Language you want for the notification from the dropdown list.
    5. Click Run Report and it now appears on the Reports Jobs page.
  5. If you click on on Schedule, you are taken to the New Report Schedule page.
    1. Enter a Schedule Name for this schedule.
    2. In the Define Schedule section, report schedules can be set up to run daily, on certain day(s) of the week, or on specific day(s) of a month.
    3. Select the time and date. To select multiple days of the week or month, hold down the CTRL key when you select the days of the week or month.
    4. Under Select Report Recipients, the name of the current administrator will automatically appear.  If additional recipients are wanted, click on the Add Recipients link. A list of administrators will appear. Click on whichever administrator you want and that administrator will disappear from the list and appear in the Select Reports Recipient box.  When finished, click on the Close Window link and you are returned to the New Report Schedule page.
    5. Select the report Output Format.  Formats available are CSV, HTML, PDF, and ZIP.
    6. The Email Report dropdown menu defaults to none, but also allows the Report Recipients to be notified via email (the email listed in the admin profile) that the report has been run or to be notified and to have a copy of the report included as an attachment to the email.
    7. When finished, click Save Report Schedule. You are returned to the View Report Schedule page. Click on the Report Schedules button at the top of the page and you are returned to the Report Schedules page where the report is now listed.
    8. At the scheduled time, the report will automatically generate using the format selected.

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