Bandwidth Recommendations for Brivo Hardware

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile


IT professionals occasionally request the bandwidth recommendations for Brivo hardware. Below is a table detailing the bandwidth recommendations for the Brivo Door Station and all latest generation control panels (ACS6000/6100, ACS300, ACS100, ACS-SDC).

Bandwidth Recommendations




Brivo Door Station

10 Mbps per camera

  • Video streaming a single feed requires ~3 Mbps is for H264 @ 1080P 15FPS
  • Having simultaneous video feeds from the Brivo Door Station will require additional bandwidth (e.g., live video + intercom). Add about 3 Mbps per feed.
  • Video clips for normal event traffic can be transmitted in the 10 Mbps recommendation
  • Firmware downloads (~100MB) and constant faceprint updates can impact bandwidth usage but are within the 10 Mbps recommendation

All G4 Panels (ACS6000/6100, ACS300, ACS100, ACS-SDC)

1.5 Mbps per panel

  • Driven by firmware downloads and credential updates on very busy systems
  • 20 MB firmware upgrades can be downloaded in about 1.5 min, so 1.5 Mbps provides overhead to ensure downloads happen with in 5 minutes
  • For systems that have 100k+ credentials and are updating frequently (<5min), additional bandwidth will help updates sync faster

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