Clearing an Emergency Scenario

Jason Kaveney Updated by Jason Kaveney


Emergency Scenarios are an important emergency response feature available in all Editions of Brivo Access. When a life threatening event occurs, Brivo Access can quickly lock all of your doors and prevent users from moving throughout the space. These Emergency Scenarios can be cleared in bulk or on an individual basis from Brivo Access.


To clear an emergency scenario an Administrator must have the following permission:

  • Clear Emergency Scenario

Steps to Clear a Emergency Scenario

  1. Click the red Emergency Scenario button in the nav bar.
  2. Click Go To Scenarios
  3. There are two options to clear an emergency scenario:
    1. To clear all active emergency scenarios, click Clear All Emergency Scenarios
    2. To clear a specific scenario, click the Deactivate button for that scenario

Creating a Lockdown Scenario in Access

Initiating a Lockdown

How did we do?

Initiating an Emergency Scenario

Activating a Group-based Lockout in Brivo Access
