View Sites in Brivo Access

Alicia Allen Updated by Alicia Allen

View Sites in Brivo Access


A site is a logical group of doors, devices, and floors. An account can have one or more sites associated with it. Sites are typically added to an account after the control panels have been defined. Only after control panels and sites are created, can access privileges be defined.


Your Administrator permissions determine which sites you can view on this page.

The Primary Administrator, all Super Administrators, and Remote Access Support Administrators can view all sites defined for the account.

Administrators can view only those sites for which they have assigned permissions.

Steps to View a Site
  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Sites
  4. Click on the Site Name of the site you want to View

Site List (takes you back to the Site List)

Edit Site Name/Address

New Site

More Operations:

        Add Door

        Add Device

        Add Floor

        View History

The Site detail page also lists all the doors and devices currently associated with the site, sorted according to the following categories:


Auxiliary Devices



Valid Credentials

Event Trackers


For each door or device, the following information is provided:

The door or device Name, which serves as a link to the corresponding detail page.

An ID that consists of the name and ID number of the control panel with which the door or device is associated

Type indicator, consisting of the control panel version

The control panel firmware Version number

The date on which the door or device was Created

A link to the Activity Log maintained for the door or device

Delete icon, if your Administrator permissions allow you to delete doors and devices.

How did we do?

How to Manage Sites in Brivo Access
