Managing an Administrator in Brivo Access

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile


An administrator is any person who is able to log into a Brivo Access account. Roles and permissions restrict the actions an Admin can and cannot perform in an account.


To create, edit or delete Administrators you must have the following permissions depending on the actions that are needed to be performed:

  • View Administrators
  • Create Administrators
  • Edit administrator assignments
  • Edit administrator profiles
  • Edit administrator roles
  • Delete administrator

IMPORTANT NOTE: Administrators can also be users in Brivo Access, but they are considered separate entities as far as Brivo Access is concerned. Changes made to an administrator profile will not affect their user profile and vice versa.

Steps to Creating an Administrator in Brivo Access

  1. On the nav bar, click Settings and then click Administrator under ADMIN heading.
  2. Click on the Create Admin button.
  1. Fill out the administrator’s profile with the following information:
    1. Full name
    2. Email
    3. Phone number
  1. Add a permission role. Multiple can be added to an Admin.
  2. Select assignments - the Admin will be able to perform functions based on their permissions on these assignments. For example, if an administrator needed to manage users in Brivo Access, they would need View User and Create User permissions, as well as Edit user groups, Delete User, Edit User Profiles, and Assign User Credentials.
  3. Click the Create Admin button to complete the process.

NOTE: Once the administrator has been created, the new administrator will receive a verfication email along with a step-by-step set of instructions to allow them to get into Brivo Access.

Steps to Editing an Administrator in Brivo Access

  1. On the nav bar, click Settings and then click Administrator.
  2. Select the Administrator you want to edit and click View next to their name.
  3. Make whatever changes are needed on their Administrator Profile page.
  4. Click the Save Changes button to complete the process.

NOTE: To "suspend" an administrator, remove all Administrator Roles from the administrator and click Save Changes. To restore privileges, add those Administrator Roles back to the Administrator Profile.

Steps to Deleting an Administrator in Brivo Access

  1. On the nav bar, click Settings and then click Administrator.
  2. Select the Administrator you want to edit and click View next to their name.
  3. Click the Delete Administrator button on the Administrator Profile page.
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking on the red Delete button on the pop-up window.
  5. A notice will appear in the bottom right corner of the page notifying you that the administrator was successfully deleted.

How-to Video

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Applying Assignments to an Administrator in Brivo Access
