List of Report Configurations in Brivo Access

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

List of Report Configurations

Definition of the available Report Configurations:

(C) denotes this report allows the inclusion of custom field data.

Account Activity Report

An alphabetized list of all sites with activity from the past 24 hours summarized that includes users per site and more event types. Includes Access Events, Failed Access Events, Exception Events, Door Locked/Unlocked Events, Device Events, Programmable Device Events, Wiring Events, and Control Panel and Board Events.

 Account Summary Report

All sites sorted alphabetically (by site name) with Site Name, Address (City Name and State), Quantity of Doors, Quantity of Devices, Quantity of Users, and name of Unlock Schedule(s).

Active Users Report (C)

All active users sorted alphabetically (by last name) with Last Name, First Name, Cards, PIN Credentials, and Last Credential Use Date.

 All Doors Report

All doors sorted alphabetically (by site) with Door Name, Control Panel ID, Device Type, and Created Date.

 All Users Report (C)

All users sorted alphabetically (by last name) with Last Name, First Name, Cards, PIN credentials, Status, Expiration Date, and Last Credential Use Date.

Contract Tracing Report

A report that identifies a user's path of travel and all users with whom they may have come into contact during a given period of time.

Control Panel Report

All control panels sorted alphabetically (by control panel name) with Control Panel Name, Last Contact (Date/Time), Control Panel ID, Model Type, and current Firmware Version.

Daily Summary Report

An alphabetized list of all sites with activity from the past 24 hours summarized that includes users per site and more event types.

Door/Device Rights Report (C)

All doors and devices grouped by site showing all users (listed alphabetically by name) with rights to those doors and devices. This report can include and be filtered by custom field data.

Elevator Report

All elevators sorted alphabetically with the names of the floors being controlled and the output.

First/Last Access Report (C)

A list of all users sorted alphabetically with First Access, showing credential used, device accessed, and time used, and Last Access, showing credential used,device accessed, and time used (since midnight in the report runner's time zone).

Groups Report

All groups sorted alphabetically (by group name) with Group Name, Number of Users in Group, and the Created Date.

Holiday Report

A list of all holidays in the account sorted by date that includes Site, Holiday Description, and From and To Dates.

Inactive Users Report (C)

All inactive users sorted alphabetically (by last name) with Last Name, First Name, Cards, PIN Credentials, and Status.

Journal Report (C)

A listing of journal entries for a particular event type Displays the Date and Time, Action, Details, and who performed the action.

Schedule Relationship Report

A list sorted alphabetically by site with Groups and Devices to which the selected schedule is applied.

Site Activity Report (C)

A listing of activity for a particular site or device, or all sites and devices. Displays the Date and Time, User or Event, Site and Door or other device involved in the activity.This report can be customized to limit the type of events included in the report.

Unique Users Report (C)

A listing of unique users who have entered each door at the site or sites chosen.

Unused Credential Report (C)

A list of all users sorted alphabetically who have never used their credentials over the selected date range showing First Name, Last Name, and Credential (card value or PIN).

User Activity Report (C)

A listing of activity for a particular site or device, or all sites and devices. Displays the Date and Time, User or Event, Site and Door or other device involved in the activity.This report can be customized to limit the Groups of individual Users involved in the Activity.

User Image Quality Report

A report which displays which User images are suitable for use with Faceprint credentials. The score provided is either suitable or not suitable with a numerical score. It is recommended for a photo to have a score of 0.7 or higher for best results with the Brivo Door Station.

How did we do?

Running an In/Out Report

User Image Quality Report
