How to Configure a Global Egress

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

How to Configure a Global Egress


Allow someone who is onsite the ability to utilize a hardwired device and that will unlock doors across a site in the case of emergency.  A single device can trigger an emergency egress scenario which can contain any doors on the account. 


  • Supported Brivo controllers:
      • Brivo ACS300
      • Brivo ACS6000
      • Brivo ACS100
      • Brivo Single Door Controller
  • Brivo firmware 6.2.4 or later


  1. Navigate to Configuration
  2. Click Emergency Scenarios
  1. Click the Create Scenario button
  1. Name your Scenario
  1. Choose Scenario type - Egress
  1. Choose the hardwired triggers that will initiate the emergency scenario
  2. These are input switch devices
  1. Choose the doors for this emergency scenario

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