How to Manage Expansion Boards in Brivo Access

JC Updated by JC

Editing an expansion board

  1. Log into Brivo Access.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Control Panels
  4. Click the control panel to which you wish to manage the expansion boards. The Control Panel detail page displays.
  5. Scroll down to the Boards section and choose the expansion board you want to manage. The Edit Expansion Board page displays.
  6. Make whatever changes are needed.

The Board Type and Board # fields cannot be edited on this page, but the Location field can be.

All Door Boards contain two nodes, each of which can be used to control either one door or one door and multiple devices. On this page, these two nodes are identified as DOOR 1 and DOOR 2, and for each there is a set of input and output points that corresponds to a block of terminals on the actual Door Board. All of the labels match the text silk-screened on the board.

In the Label field, the default label for the I/O point displays.

For each input point, there is a set of fields used to define the operation of the associated terminals:

In the EOL Supervision field, click Yes or No to indicate if the input point is wired for end-of-line supervision. EOL supervision is not relevant for output points (DOOR LOCK RELAYAUX RELAY 1, and AUX RELAY 2) or for the READER point.

In the Normal State field, select Normally Closed to indicate that the I/O Point is normally closed, or Normally Open to indicate that it is normally open. As with EOL Supervision, this field is not relevant for output points.

For each output point, there is a set of fields used to define the operation of the associated terminals.

In the Normal State field, select Normal from the dropdown list to indicate that the output point operates in a fail secure mode. Select Energized to indicate that the output point operates in a fail open mode.

  1.  Click Save Board. You are returned to the Control Panel detail page with the new Expansion Board listed.

Deleting an expansion board

  1. Log into Brivo Access.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Control Panels
  4. Click the control panel to which you wish to manage the expansion boards. The Control Panel detail page displays.
  5. Scroll down to the Boards section. Click the - icon under the Delete column to delete the board. Confirm your choice in the pop-up window and click OK.

NOTE: If there are any doors or devices attached to this expansion board, the delete action will fail until all doors and/or devices are disassociated with the expansion board.

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How to view Control Panels in Brivo Access
