How to Configure and Manage Antipassback

Alicia Allen Updated by Alicia Allen


Antipassback controls allow administrators to determine whether or not individual users are permitted to enter or exit a particular door. With these controls come the following options: Hard Antipassback, Soft Antipassback, Antipassback Reset Interval, and Antipassback Reset Time.

Hard Antipassback

Hard Antipassback controls keep individuals from using their card to enter the premises if they are already inside or exiting if they are already outside. With Hard Antipassback implemented, once a user presents his credential, Brivo recognizes his entry and will not allow the user re-enter unless he or she first exits.

Soft Antipassback

Soft Antipassback design allows administrators to specify controls for both individuals and groups:

The Antipassback Reset Interval offers the ability to determine a time interval that prevents a user who enters or exits from doing so again before a period of time elapses. After elapsed interval, the user is free to enter or exit.

The Antipassback Reset Time refers to the option where a group’s status as inside or outside the Antipassback Zone is automatically reset to being outside at a specific time of day, with the ability to enter the time on a 24-hour clock with minute-by-minute detail.

Important Antipassback Considerations:

The panel’s firmware must be at least version 5.0.9 in order to configure Antipassback settings.

Antipassback is not configurable with Edge devices.

The maximum number of doors that can be configured for Antipassback is 30, as long as one door is configured as an entrance and one is an exit.

Administrators cannot delete a door once it has been configured for Antipassback. To do so, the administrator must first unconfigure Antipassback and then delete the door.

If an individual enters a door without showing his credential, he will not be able to exit when he presents his credential. Similarly, individuals who exit a door without presenting a credential will not be allowed to reenter until the Antipassback Reset Interval has elapsed.

If you wish for only one individual to have immunity to Antipassback controls, create a group with only one user—the user you wish to have immunity. Then check the box “Immunity to Antipassback.”

Groups who are immune to Antipassback controls do not follow the same Antipassback controls as those who are not immune. These users are free to enter or exit a door even if the Antipassback Reset Interval has not elapsed.

Steps to Configure Antipassback Reset Interval

  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Under the Configuration sub-menu, select Control Panels
  4. Click the control panel for which you wish to configure Antipassback Reset Interval. The page displays the panel details and control boards.
  5. Click the More Operations dropdown list and click on the Configure Antipassback link. The Antipassback page displays with information regarding the panel’s sites, doors, boards, nodes, and alternate readers, and allows you to choose whether you would like to configure the door as an ingress or egress.
  6. Enter the number of minutes from 0 to 240 for the Antipassback Reset Interval.
  7. Select whether from the dropdown list whether you wish to configure Antipassback controls for the door as an ingress, egress, or neither.
  8. If you would like the door to be controlled by two readers, you may configure Antipassback controls for an alternate reader by selecting a board from the Alternate Reader dropdown list.
  9. Click Save Antipassback Settings. You are returned to the panel details page.

Steps to Configure Antipassback Reset Time

  1. Log into Brivo Access
  2. Navigate to Users and select Groups
  3. Click the group for which you wish to configure the Antipassback Reset Time. The page displays the group details.
  4. Scroll to the Group Settings section
  5. If you would like the group to remain immune from the Antipassback Reset Time, check the “Immune to Antipassback” box underneath the “Edit Privileges” title. If you would like for only a particular user to remain immune from Antipassback controls, you may create a group containing just that particular user.
  6. Enter a time that you would like the Antipassback controls to be reset.
  7. Click Save Changes.

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How to Manage a Control Panel in Brivo Access
