Creating a Holiday in Brivo Access

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile


A holiday is a block of time (or day) that represents an exception to a single or set of schedules across the account. Below are the steps to creating a holiday.


To create a holiday, the following Administrator permission is required:

  • Manage holidays

Steps to Create a Holiday

  1. On the left navigation bar, navigate to the Settings tab and select Holidays
  2. Click New Holiday.
  3. Enter a brief, meaningful Description for the holiday, such as “Veteran’s Day”.
  4. You can create Holidays to be used by the entire account or individual sites. If you want this holiday to apply only to a specific site, click that option on the Site dropdown list. Otherwise accept the default, Universal.
  1. In the From and To fields, enter the time period during which the holiday is in effect.
  1. Click the checkbox for All Schedules if you want all schedules to observe this holiday. Otherwise, click the Add Schedule link below and the available schedules popup window will appear. Click on the schedules you want to follow this holiday. They will disappear from the popup window and appear on the new holiday page in the schedule box. When finished selecting schedules, click the Close Window link and you are returned to the New Holiday page. This list includes all schedules currently defined for the account. To remove a schedule, highlight the schedule in the box and click Remove.
  1. Click Save Holiday. The Holiday List displays with the new holiday listed.

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