Brivo Access


This section will tell you how to set up and manage administrators in your Brivo Access accoun.t

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3 articles by 1 author


This section allows an administrator to configure their account by managing Account and Site Settings, managing Schedules and Holidays, using Notifications, and using Custom Fields.

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34 articles by 5 authors


This section will detail how to manage credentials as well as how to assign them to Brivo Access users.

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8 articles by 3 authors

Data Explorer

This section will cover how to utilize the Data Explorer feature in Brivo Access.

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5 articles by 1 author


This section will cover how to see the devices in your account and how to utilize the Device Status feature in Brivo Access.

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5 articles by 1 author


This section allows an administrator to use the Event Tracker to monitor and review events within their account, review actions taken by administrator via the Journal, and classify which events they wish to track using Event Classification.

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4 articles by 2 authors

Global View

This section will detail how Brivo Access provides an administrator a visual representation of the sites in their account as well as providing information on Critical Events, Access Events, and Offline Devices.

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1 article by 1 author


This section houses support documentation for 3rd party integrations.

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7 articles by 3 authors


This section will detail language options in Brivo Access.

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1 article by 1 author

Occupancy Management

This section will detail how to use the Occupancy Management feature in your Brivo Access account.

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2 articles by 1 author


This section allows an administrator to query and configure the tools for predefined commonly run reports, allowing these reports to be generated and parameterized depending upon administrator permissions.

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6 articles by 2 authors

Users & Groups

This section will detail how to manage users and groups and print badges in the Brivo Access account.

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9 articles by 2 authors


This section will cover how to view and configure live and recorded video in Brivo Access.

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3 articles by 2 authors

Account Config Tool

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2 articles by 1 author

Brivo Access Release Notes

This section shows the latest release notes for Brivo Access.

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2 articles by 1 author

Brivo Access Firmware Release Notes

Brivo Firmware Release 07/02/2024 This version of firmware is for use with ACS6000/6100, ACS300, ACS100, and ACS-SDC-E control panels only. The focus of this release was adding elevator puls…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile
