I don't see any doors in my Brivo Mobile Pass

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

I don't see any doors in my Brivo Mobile Pass

Possible Solutions:

  1. App Update: Ensure that you have the latest version of the Brivo Mobile Pass app installed on your device. Sometimes, updating the app can resolve connectivity issues.
  2. Re-login: Try logging out of the Brivo Mobile Pass app and then logging back in. This can sometimes refresh the connection and display the doors correctly.
  3. Bluetooth and Network: Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device and that you are within range of the door's reader. Also, verify that your mobile device is connected to a trusted network if the Trusted Network feature is enabled.
  4. Verify Mobile Pass Assignment: Make sure that the Brivo Mobile Pass has been correctly assigned to the user. You can do this by going to the user's profile, selecting the Credentials tab, and checking if the Brivo Mobile Pass is listed. If there are offline locks, in the user's profile, select Offline Lock tab, and verify the permissions are correct. 
  5. Verify Door Assignment: Ensure that the correct doors have been assigned to the user. This can be done in Brivo Access by navigating to the user's profile, selecting the Groups tab, and checking if the correct doors are listed.
  6. Check Door Configuration: Verify that the doors are correctly configured in Brivo Access and that they are set up to be accessed via mobile credentials. Ensure that the door settings have Control from Browser set to Yes.

If you have followed these steps and are still experiencing issues, please contact our customer support for further assistance. They can help diagnose and resolve any specific issues you might be facing. For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the Brivo Mobile Pass section in our documentation or visit our support page.

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