Fetching units for Realpage

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

Fetching units

  1. Wait for the sync job to run.
  1. If the sync job does not run, click the Sync icon in the Units section under Sync Status.

Creating new sites automatically

  1. Press the Add New Units button.
  1. Select a property from the list (or select all).
  1. Click the Save button.
  1. Press the Sync button from the Units Mapped section.
  1. Wait for the Last Sync date to be displayed in the Units Mapped section.
  2. Wait for the Site and Group columns to be filled in.

Mapping units to existing sites

  1. Click the Map Existing Sites button.
  1. Map a RealPage unit to an existing site.
  1. Click the Save button.
  1. Press the Sync button from the Units Mapped section.
  1. Wait for the Last Sync date to be displayed in the Units Mapped section.
  1. Wait for the Site and Group columns to be filled in.

How did we do?

Enabling RealPage Integration

Disabling the Realpage Integration
