How to use Live AI assistant for Brivo Door Station

Larry Wile Updated by Larry Wile

How to use Live AI assistant for Brivo Door Station

  1. On the left navigation bar, select Devices.
  2. Once on the Devices page, select your Brivo Door Station.
  1. A pop-up window with your Brivo Door Station details will appear. Click the Manage button in the Notifications row.
  1. The BDS Notification pop-up window displays. The Enable AI voice assistant checkbox is off by default. Check the checkbox to enable the feature.
  2. Now, when a visitor approaches the Brivo Door Station and uses the intercom feature, Brivo's Live AI assistant will ask them who they are trying to reach.
    1. If the visitor replies with a name, the Live AI assistant will search the user list under Notifications and contact that individual by the method set up in Notifications (either through Brivo Access or via Brivo Mobile Pass).
    2. If there is more than one user with that name, the Live AI assistant may ask for additional information (like a last name). Once the user is found, the Live AI assistant will contact that individual using the method set up in Notifications (either through Brivo Access or via Brivo Mobile Pass).

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