Brivo Hardware

Brivo Door Station

Brivo Door Station

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9 articles by 1 author

Bandwidth Recommendations for Brivo Hardware

Overview. IT professionals occasionally request the bandwidth recommendations for Brivo hardware. Below is a table detailing the bandwidth recommendations for the Brivo Door Station and all latest ge…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile

Brivo Onsite Server/Brivo Onsite Firmware Release Notes

Brivo Onsite Server/Brivo Onsite Firmware Release Notes. Brivo Onsite Server Firmware Release 08/01/2023 This version of firmware is for use with control panels running Brivo Onsite Server o…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile

Uploading Firmware via USB

Uploading Firmware via USB. Prerequisites. ACS6000 or ACS300 control panel USB flash drive can be no smaller than 8 GB and no larger than 16 GB USB drive must use the FAT32 format Upgrade Steps. Down…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile
