Data Explorer

Data Explorer: Daily Active Users by Site

Overview. Daily Active Users by Site is on the Facility Manager View by default. These steps will guide you through editing a pivot table and adding custom fields. Prerequisites. Brivo Access Enterpr…

Jeremy Allison
Updated by Jeremy Allison

Introduction to Data Explorer

Overview. Data Explorer redefines the reporting experience by tracking key metrics from complex reports, enabling data-driven decisions, and empowering deep dives into physical access-related data. P…

Jeremy Allison
Updated by Jeremy Allison

Data Explorer: Activity by Site

Overview. The steps below show how to view all recent activity by site using Brivo Access Enterprise Edition's Data Explorer feature. Prerequisites. Brivo Access Enterprise Edition Steps to Create. O…

Jeremy Allison
Updated by Jeremy Allison

Data Explorer: Adding and Removing Visual Elements

Overview. The below steps will illustrate how to add and remove visual elements from views. Prerequisites. Data Explorer requires the Enterprise Edition of Brivo Access. Steps to Add Elements. On the…

Jeremy Allison
Updated by Jeremy Allison

Data Explorer - People counting by door over a specific date range with granularity options

Overview. The following steps will guide you through editing a pivot table to create a table showing the number of unique people who came through each door over a specific time period with granularit…

Jeremy Allison
Updated by Jeremy Allison
