
Using Event Classification

Using Event Classification. On the left navigation bar, navigate to the Events tab. For those accounts enabled to see this option, select Event Classification. You will see three columns. Critical Ev…

Updated by JC

How to use Incident Management

How to use Incident Management. Overview. Incident Management empowers security teams to rapidly investigate and resolve security incidents. By streamlining evidence gathering (including footage), mi…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile

Using Snapshot Log

Using Snapshot Log On the left navigation bar, navigate to the Events tab. For those accounts enabled to see this option, select Snapshot Log. Across the top, you will see filters by Device , User ,…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile

Accessing the Journal

Overview. The Brivo Access journal provides a log of all actions made on the account by any Administrator. Prerequisites. To view the Journal the following Administrator permission is required: Journ…

Updated by JC

Using the Event Tracker

Using the Event Tracker On the left navigation bar, navigate to the Events tab, and select Event Tracker. For those accounts with Trends enabled, across the top of the page, you will see the Trends g…

Updated by JC
