Users & Groups

Guest Management

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5 articles by 2 authors

Suspending a User

Suspending a User On the left navigation bar, expand Users. Click Users. In the main navigation pane search for the User in question. Search can be performed on ' Name ', ' Status ', or ' Group '. Cl…


Modifying Group Permissions

Overview. Provide an overview of this feature. Prerequisites. Are there any permissions an admin needs? Panel requirements? etc. Steps to _________ (perform the action this article is about). Related…

Updated by JC

Exporting User Information

What is the Export User Report? The Brivo Access Export User report provides a way for an Access administrator to export both the list of Users in the account along with their corresponding User phot…

Updated by JC

Deleting a User in Access

Deleting a User in Access. Prerequisites. The following permissions are required to delete a User: Delete user. Edit user profiles. Assign user credentials. Steps to Delete a User. On the left naviga…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile

Issuing a PIN Code to a User in Brivo Access

Overview. A PIN code is a form of credential that can be generated for a User to gain access to a space. PIN codes can be 4-8 digits in length and can only be used on keypad readers. Prerequisites. A…


Creating a User in Access

A User is any person who has been given a credential and generally has access to at least one door. Users are assigned to Groups which is assigned door and device permissions.

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile

Viewing User Recent Activity

Viewing User Recent Activity Overview. Within Brivo Access, Administrators can view a User's most recent five (5) valid and failed access events, along with the door that was accessed and which crede…

Updated by JC

Admin Bulk Actions - Deleting, Suspending or Reinstating Users

Admin Bulk Actions - Deleting, Suspending or Reinstating Users. Overview. This is an enhancement that will impact all Access Administrators, especially Enterprise level administrators. Now multiple u…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile

Creating a Group

Creating a Group. Overview. A group is a set of users with the same access privileges to doors on one or more sites within an account. A group has a descriptive name, such as “Washington Staff.” Grou…


Issuing a Card in Brivo Access

Overview. Physical credentials are one method in which Users can gain access into a space. They can come in various forms such as a card, or a fob, and have different formats programmed on them. Prer…


Using Badge Templates

Overview. The Brivo Access badge template creator enables administrators to design and customize badge templates for access control systems. With this tool, users can create personalized badge layout…

Updated by JC
