
Identity Connector for Okta

With Brivo's Identity Connector, customers can provision their Okta users and groups to Brivo Access, allowing them to manage onboarding and offboarding users in a single application.

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

BMP Provisioning with Identity Connector for Okta

Brivo's Identity Connector integration with Okta allows users to provision Brivo Mobile Passes to users synced to Brivo Access via Okta.

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

Configure Identity Connector for Okta

With Brivo's Identity Connector, customers can provision their Okta users and groups to Brivo Access, allowing them to manage onboarding and offboarding users in a single application.

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

Custom Field Mapping with Identity Connector for Okta

Brivo's Identity Connector integration with Okta allows users to map Okta custom attributes with Brivo Access custom fields.

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

Brivo Wallet Pass Provisioning with Identity Connector for Okta

Brivo's Identity Connector integration with Okta allows users to provision Brivo Wallet Passes to users synced to Brivo Access via Okta.

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen
