Doors and Devices

How to add a device to a site in Brivo Access

Overview. A device is a logical definition of how a control panel interacts with the world. A device may have logical or physical inputs and outputs. A logical input may be a schedule input to a time…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile

How to View a Device in Brivo Access

Overview. A device is a logical definition of how a control panel interacts with the world. A device may have logical or physical inputs and outputs. A logical input may be a schedule input to a time…

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

How to Manage Floors in Brivo Access

Overview. A floor is any floor accessed via an elevator which requires a valid credential for entry. When an elevator is linked to a site, it automatically becomes available to be linked to the floor…

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

How to Manage Elevators in Brivo Access

Overview. An elevator is linked to a set of sites that are connected to the floors that the elevator services. While an elevator may be shared by multiple accounts, the floors they service typically…

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

Viewing Valid Credential Relationships in Brivo Access

Viewing Valid Credential Relationships. Since multiple Administrators may be adding, editing, and deleting valid credentials over a period of time, you can generate a list of the relationships associ…

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

How to Manage Doors in Brivo Access

Overview. A door is any exterior or interior door with an electronic means of entry, such as a keypad or card reader. Doors are linked in this way to a control panel. A door belongs to a site and has…

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

How to View Floors in Brivo Access

Overview. A floor is any floor accessed via an elevator which requires a valid credential for entry. When an elevator is linked to a site, it automatically becomes available to be linked to the floor…

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

How to View Doors in Brivo Access

Overview. A door is any exterior or interior door with an electronic means of entry, such as a keypad or card reader. Doors are linked in this way to a control panel. A door belongs to a site and has…

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

How to define a door in Brivo Access

Overview. A door is any exterior or interior door with an electronic means of entry, such as a keypad, card reader, or face reader. Doors are linked in this way to a control panel. A door belongs to…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile

To Define a Salto Door in Brivo Access

To Define a Salto Door. Once the Salto Router is selected from the Board and Node dropdown list, the Lock field appears. Enter the lock number for the new Salto door. If the lock number selected is u…

Alicia Allen
Updated by Alicia Allen

How to Manage a Device in Brivo Access

Overview. A device is a logical definition of how a control panel interacts with the world. A device may have logical or physical inputs and outputs. A logical input may be a schedule input to a time…

Larry Wile
Updated by Larry Wile
